Ignoring the Case of the Brave Photographer Despite the Announcement of the Arrest of the Killers

Context of the story|Uncategorized

Nabil Hasan Omar Saleh Al-Quaiti

Time of Violation: 2/6/2020

Place of Violation: Aden

Type of Violation: Killing/Assassination

Perpetrator of the Violation: Unknown

With the assassination of Nabil Al-Quaiti, the media family lost a brave photographer. Whereas his family lost a provider who had taken responsibility since his father’s death, as he was responsible for his four brothers and his mother, and later his wife and three children,  the fourth child opened her eyes to life after unknown gunmen forced her father to close his eyes and lens, and to leave murdered, on June 2, 2020, in  Dar Saad area north of Aden.

Nabil Al-Quaiti, 38 years old, had been involved in the activities of the Southern Movement and the events that erupted in the south of the country in protest against the policy of the ruling authorities in 2007. Although he was not a journalist and did not complete his university education, photography fascinated him, so he began to cover the protests that occurred in the governorates of the South, and provided the newspapers with free photos. Al-Quaiti won the Rory Peck International Journalism Award in 2016, an award given to the best photojournalist in the world.

After the state institutions fell into the hands of the Houthi armed group in 2014, the Houthis began to expand into the other governorates, until they stormed Aden in 2015. After that the Southern Resistance, with the support of the Arab coalition countries, was able to expel the Houthis. Al-Quaiti documented the battles of liberating Aden from the Houthis, as he was working with Sky News and Al-Hadath channels.

In addition to his work as a photojournalist, Nabil Al-Quaiti worked in the humanitarian field, and was able to build a wide network of relationships with others. He used to help the needy and undertake projects that benefited people even until days before his assassination.

With the Corona pandemic that the world witnessed in 2020, the epidemic spread in the city of Aden, and the government declared it a stricken city. Some of Nabil Al-Quaiti’s neighbors died of the epidemic. Nabil, the photographer, wrote on his Facebook page, which is followed by more than a hundred thousand people, mourning his neighbors. Later his family left the house to avoid infection with the “Covid-19” virus. Nabil took his camera and set out to document the intense battles that erupted between the forces of the Southern Transitional Council, where the photographer stands, and the forces of the Ministry of Defense affiliated with the legitimacy, which was represented by former President Abdurabo Mansour Hadi and his deputy, Ali Mohsen Al-Ahmar , in May 2020.

When Nabil Al-Quaitip returned to his home in Dar Saad, a group of his colleagues went to him, Free Media Center keeps their names: “He told us that day that they had arrested a person belonging to the Houthis, and he went to visit this person, and on the third day Nabil was killed.”

Security leaders announced the arrest of a number of suspects, but on the third anniversary of Nabil’s departure, his family stated in a statement “that until today, not a single defendant has been brought to trial in the case of the murdered, although over the years we have received confirmations of the arrest of a number of those involved”. The  family said in their statement dated June 2, 2023 “that it is painful for us that all the leaders in their various forms and types have ignored the case”.


|This summary comes within the framework of the ‘For Truth’ project, which will be published within an in-depth report containing the details of this story during the current year 2024.

Monitoring and Field documentation: Hamza Al-Jubaihi

Monitoring and Field documentation: Hamza Al-Jubaihi

A field journalist and professional photographer, he works as Director of the Multimedia Department at the Free Media Center for Investigative Journalism, and Executive Director at the Diamond Media Foundation for Visual Media Production.

Editing and checking information: Wagdi Assalemi, Hamza Al-Jubaihi

Editing and checking information: Wagdi Assalemi, Hamza Al-Jubaihi

A Yemeni journalist specializing in investigative reports, founder and president of the “FREE MEDIA” Foundation for Investigative Journalism.

Editing for publication: Salman Al-Humaidi

Editing for publication: Salman Al-Humaidi

An independent Yemeni journalist, he worked as editorial secretary for Al-Ahali newspaper, before moving to work as editorial director for the national newspaper Hadith Al-Madina. He writes for many news websites, in addition to his work as an editor with many media and human rights institutions.
