May 14, 2024
April 28, 2024
Citizen journalist victim of armed factions affiliated with...

Mohammed Qasim Al-Taheri Time of violation: September 2, 2018 Place of violation: Taiz Type of...Read more

April 27, 2024
Professional murder of journalist and suspects outside the...

Fawaz Ali Ahmed Alwafi Time of violation: March 22, 2022 Place of violation: Taiz Type...Read more

April 26, 2024
Al-Absi The journalist who delved into the oil...

Mohammed Abdo Al-Absi Violation time: December 20, 2016 Violation Location: Sana'a Violation Type: Assassination/Killing The...Read more


After 9 years of war, sniper attacks continue...

| This report highlights the ongoing issue of sniper attacks on civilians in Taiz, Yemen,...

Explosive Remnants of War Kill, Maim Civilians in...

| Overall levels of violence in the Yemeni civil war have decreased since a nationwide...

Advocating for Accountability in Yemen: Justice4Yemen Coalition at...

The Free Media Center for Investigative Journalism proudly presented a Joint UPR Statement as an...

An increase in child recruitment since the Houthis...

On the International Day against the Use of Children as Soldiers, the undersigned organizations express...

International Children Day: Justice for Yemen Children must...

On International Children’s Day, the Free Media Center for Investigative Journalism, among about 43 international...

Yemen: Crimes Against Journalists Go Unpunished

Ending impunity for crimes against journalists is one of the most important issues to guarantee...

Yemen: Hunger besieged teachers

| Justice4Yemen Pact| September 09, 2023 Joint Statement on the International Day to Protect Education...

Detention of Yemeni Journalist, Ahmed Maher – A...

This informational brief sheds light on the year-long detention of Yemeni journalist Ahmed Maher, highlighting...

“Justice Charter Alliance for Yemen” issues a joint...

Joint Statement on the World Day for International Justice Delivered by Justice4Yemen Pact Coalition Yemen...

“Journalism Bleeding”: A report examines 100 violations against...

Free Media Under the title "Journalism bleeding", as part of the efforts of media and...

 Ahmed Maher. A journalist’s Bleeding

Ahmed Maher, a Yemeni journalist, was arrested and forcibly disappeared in August 2022 by the...

The disappearance of the case file of the...

Free Media Six years after the assassination of investigative journalist Mohammed Abdo al-Absi, the perpetrators...

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